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Fap Turbo Review

Fap Turbo Review

General Details:

Setup: 1 click installer

Currencies supported: Multiple

Demo account: Yes

Price: $149


Steve Carletti, Mike, and Uli.


FAP Turbo has been widely regarded as the gold-standard of automated forex robots. The FAP Turbo program attempts to capture small gains, allowing a high win ratio. It utilizes high leverage your broker offers by using a low drawdown strategy. This helps keep risk under control.

Unique Features:

FAP Turbo has a unique high trading frequency strategy. FAP Turbo looks for reliable short term scalping opportunities. FAP Turbo monitors five specific currency pairs, as the algorithm is highly specialized for them. The pairs include EUR/CHF, GBP/CHF, EUR/GBP, USD/CAD, and EUR/USD. Unlike many other automated systems, FAP Turbo doesn’t have huge stop-loss parameters. The system’s software also has a “stealth mode” to keep brokers from stop hunting your robot as well.

Potential Users:

FAP Turbo is a good, solid system for traders that are looking for a short-term scalping strategy that is safe. FAP Turbo will also be a good fit for those who prefer to purchase from a well-known and established vendor as well, as the creators are some of the “superstars” of the robot world. FAP Turbo helps those who wish to get straight to trading, and the steady profits a world-class robot like this can provide.


FAP Turbo showed itself to be a winner in our testing. The gains made by FAP Turbo seemed to come on almost like clockwork, and returned on our investment almost immediately.

FAP Turbo was the original system designed by these guys, and as such, is the core for all other systems to come. Because of the specialization of trading just 5 currency pairs, FAP Turbo is set for the nuances that can come into play on those markets. You will see a high frequency of trades when using FAP Turbo, as it is a scalping strategy – allowing your account to rapidly gain. We found FAP Turbo to be exactly what the designers claim, and that the win ratio is high. FAP Turbo has been running for 9 years, with a 5,000%+ net profit and 96% winning rate during that time. FAP Turbo comes with a full 60 day money back guarantee. As the creators of FAP Turbo are well-known designers, FAP Turbo can be a wise choice when purchasing a trading robot.

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Forex MegaDroid Review

Forex MegaDroid Review

General Details

Setup: 1 click installer

Currencies supported: EUR/USD

Demo account: Yes

Price: $149


Albert Perrie and John Grace


Forex MegaDroid has had its results posted publicly for the past two years, on a daily basis. Because of this, it shows that the creators of Forex MegaDroid are extremely confident and successful in their trading. The system boasts a 95.82% accuracy ratio, making MegaDroid one of the best performing Forex robots on the market for the last two years.

The Forex MegaDroid system seeks to take advantage of the “quiet time” in the Forex markets, between 21:00 and 23:00 GMT, and only trades the EUR/USD. Forex MegaDroid is optimized to take advantage of the low volatility of the markets during these hours, and the lower spreads of the EUR/USD as it aims for 10 pips at a time.

Unique Features:

Unlike many strategies, Forex MegaDroid avoids volatility at all costs. It simply looks for safe, slow, and consistent markets. The Forex MegaDroid system also keeps the risk/reward ratio at 3:1 to ensure success over the long run. Because of this, it can keep the account safe from serious harm as the drawdown will be very low. Because of this conservative money management approach, Forex MegaDroid is a dependable system.

Potential Users:

Forex MegaDroid is for those who have very little tolerance for the volatility that can appear in the Forex markets, yet want to take advantage of the great profit potential that is available. It also is good for traders that simply want to be “hands-off” when it comes to the analysis that a manual trader would have to do.


Forex MegaDroid is a great system to start out in the world of robot trading. It has a low volatility rating, and as such can be easier to let do its thing. This allows for the trader to capture the long-term results that the designers have achieved. Add to that the fact that it only trades EUR/USD, it is easier to “keep an eye on” as the world’s events may justify from time to time.

We found that in our testing that Forex MegaDroid was a steady gainer, and was very reliable. Most drawdown periods were minimal at best. One feature we found particularly innovative is the ability to change the unique ID settings to escape detection from your broker. This decreases the likelihood that your broker will ban your account, or worse yet, stop hunt your Forex MegaDroid robot through shady spread manipulation.

Forex MegaDroid has a 60 day money back guarantee backed by ClickBank. Because of this, you can feel secure in purchasing Forex MegaDroid, as it is both a solid conservative system, and a guaranteed one. For your money, Forex MegaDroid is a great place to start with your robot trading career.

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Leo Trader Pro Review

Leo Trader Pro Review

Will Leo Trader Pro be the forex robots that will double your profits?

After a long anticipation, Leo Trader Pro system was finally launched.
We haven’t tried this forex robot yet, but the real interesting thing about Leo Trader Pro is that the creators are inviting the general public to check out the Account Investor Password.

If you don’t know what Account Investor Password Access is, you can learn more at their official site:

We will publish our review of the system soon.

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Forex NightFox Review

Forex NightFox Review

General Details:

Currencies supported: All

Updates: Life-time free

Creators: Ted Pearson

Price: $127


Forex NightFox uses solid money management that limits the trader’s potential drawdown. Forex NightFox searches for small movements in the quiet hours of Asian trading in order to make 5 pip gains. Because of this, it can have a high win to loss ratio.

Unique Features:

An adjustable risk parameter is one of the things that separate Forex NightFox from the crowd. Forex NightFox also takes advantage of the slower times in the Forex markets, allowing it to be a reliable and stable strategy. Forex NightFox also has a feature that detects a change in your broker’s dealing spreads, and reports any possible spread manipulation.

Potential Users:

Forex NightFox is ideal for people that are looking for a system to trade while they sleep. In fact, Forex NightFox could even be used as a “complementary” system to any live trading you do now, as it focuses on times when active traders simply are not going to be involved in the markets.


Forex NightFox proved to be highly profitable in our testing and analysis. The primary timeframe that Forex NightFox uses to execute its trades is the four-hour chart. Forex NightFox aim is to traget  as many pips as possible on eachtrade. Depending on the time of day, the strategy will speed up or slow down as Forex NightFox also takes into account which trading session is active. As mentioned above, you will notice that a large amount of the trades Forex NightFox takes are during the Asian markets.

Forex NightFox seems to work well with the initial $1000 deposit that the website recommends. You can expect to see instant profits when using Forex NightFox, as it is a highly successful program. During our testing with the initial $1000 deposit we managed to get a 13% gain within the first month. This is a very substantial short-term gain, and we have to say that we are very pleased with this system. This system has even received the nickname “poor man’s Forex agent”, due to the ability to make extremely high returns from the initially small deposit required. Forex NightFox even comes with a full 60 day money back guarantee from its designer! Because of this, the automated trader can feel safe and secure using Forex NightFox as their robot.

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Forex Morning Trade Review

Forex Morning Trade Review

General Details:

Updates: Life-time-free

Currencies supported:
Creator: Mark Fric
Price: $97


Forex Morning Trade system is actually both a manual and automated trading system. It comes with the system’s rules and videos, as well as the automated software. Forex Morning Trade system takes advantage of the phenomenon of the European opening. It is well-known that the start of Europe’s trading day is often when the largest moves of the day happen; this is what Forex Morning Trade is capturing.

Unique Features:

Forex Morning Trade is optimized for the GBP/USD cross, and trades only that pair. It can work with other pairs, but has been “tweaked” to use this specific market for its signals. You can either trade this system manually, or use the included expert advisor with a Metatrader 4 platform. The EA allows traders who don’t live in the appropriate time zone to let the computer do the work for them. Those who buy Forex Morning Trade also receive access to Mark’s live trading journal.

Potential Users:

Forex Morning Trade is a good system for those who do not live in the UK or Europe as it can be automated to trade during those hours. (In fact, that is the designer’s intentions.) It is a good alternative to waking up in the wee hours to take advantage of the best trading hours daily.


Forex Morning Trade has been shown to be a consistent winner in our testing, as it takes advantage of the all-important early hours of the trading day in London. It is a nice blend of a good trading system, plus the automated robot that makes Forex Morning Trade a great purchase in our opinion.

Forex Morning Trade truly is optimized for the British Pound, as it is set to British trading hours. Forex Morning Trade can possibly work with other pairs, but one suspects that you would have to adjust the time. For example, the Yen might be better served being traded at 8 a.m. Tokyo time. This wasn’t tested by us, as we found Forex Morning Trades results as more than proficient to keep the gains rolling in.

Forex Morning Trade also gives free lifetime updates, which is a huge bonus as the markets can and will change over time. With the EA, guide, and updates, Forex Morning Trade is a solid winner. Add to that the fact that Forex Morning Trade comes with a 60 day money back guarantee, and we give this robot a buy rating.

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Pips Miner Review

Pips Miner Review

General Details:

Currencies supported: EUR/USD

Updates: Life-time free

Creators:Forexzone Ltd.

Price: Light Edition – €129


Pips Miner is a fully automated robot that has a win ratio of 90%. The software is created by a collection of professional traders form the reputable company Forexzone.

Pips Miner constantly analyzes the marketplace for possible trading signals. It is a short-term momentum trading system that looks to take advantage of small price movements.

Unique Features:

Pips Miner has money management functionality, which allows the trader to set the rules of spending which keeps your trading capital safe. The Pips Miner robot also trades just the EUR/USD pair, allowing it to be optimized for just that particular pair, accounting for all of the Euro’s subtle nuances.

The Pips Miner system focuses on the 5 minute time frame, making is a high frequency robot that can multiply your account rapidly as there are many more trading set ups.

Pips Miner also comes with three versions, which represent the different risk tolerance levels a trader may have:

PIPS MINER (LE -Light Edition)

PIPS MINER SE (Standard Edition)

PIPS MINER EE (Extended Edition).

Also, it should be noted that the system only trades during the London session, when the volume in the Forex markets is at its highest.

Potential Users:

Pips Miner is perfect for the new trader, as it functions with as little as $50 as a deposit into the trading account. This allows you to try it before risking too much trading capital. It is perfect for traders who do not live in the UK time zones, as it allows you to sleep while trading.

Pips Miner is also for those that simply want to make money while doing the important day-to-day routine, and not worry about doing all the complicate analysis.


Pips Miners performed very well and we found a similar success rate as the developer claimed. We had a roughly 90% win rate with Pips Miners as well, and it did perform even with as little as $50 in the account.

Pips Miner performed well in all sorts of market conditions as our testing proved. We had almost a 10% return for the first month while using Pips Miner. It had an extremely high hit rate, making the losses a little more than the wins, but overall the higher success rate made up for any draw downs.

Pips Miner has a 60 day money back guarantee through ClickBank which makes purchasing it safe, and gives the buyer piece of mind about their investment.

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Forex Bulletproof Review

Forex Bulletproof Review

General Details:

Software: Forex Bulletproof

Currency Pairs Supported: Multiple


Price: $149


Steve Carletti, Mike, and Uli of FAP Turbo.


Forex Bulletproof comes backed by 6 years of live trading history. During this time, Forex Bulletproof didn’t have a single losing month! Forex Bulletproof uses solid money management that focuses on safe trading and consistent growth. Forex Bulletproof was programmed by the creators of two of the most famous robots out there, FAP Turbo and Forex Autopilot.

Unique Features:

Forex Bulletproof is highly expandable. The system has two expansion modules that can be added to it. Forex Bulletproof is the foundation, but you can add High Voltage, (higher risk/return model) and Market Dominator, which is a collection of highly successful trading strategies that the trader can use to trade manually, in order to compliment Forex Bulletproof. The Forex Bulletproof system works with both 4 and 5 digit price feeds.

Potential Users:

Forex Bulletproof is ideal for traders that are adverse to studying technical analysis. Forex Bulletproof will also be a good fit for those who prefer to purchase from a well-known and established vendor as well. Forex Bulletproof is also good for those who wish to forgo the usual learning curve, and get straight to trading.


Forex Bulletproof proved to be a consistent and reliably profitable system in our testing and analysis. We found the expansion modules to be highly effective as well. Forex Bulletproof works well for a steady growth account, as it goes for consistency, and not explosive returns, limiting the risk that Forex Bulletproof will take.

Forex Bulletproof made its creators massive profits from their original $1000 deposit. The creators made their original $1,000 turn into $149,484 using Forex Bulletproof. You can expect to see consistent profits when using Forex Bulletproof, as it is a solid and successful trading program. We found this system to perform exactly as the creators claim, and that returns just simply do not go down. This system was originally kept private, as the guys used it for their personal accounts for 6 years before releasing Forex Bulletproof to the public. Forex Bulletproof even comes with a full 60 day money back guarantee from its designer. As the creators of Forex Bulletproof are already successful designers of systems like Forex Autopilot and FAP Turbo, you can feel safe and secure using Forex Bulletproof as a trading robot.

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Forex Bling Review

Forex Bling Review

General Details:

Updates: Life-time-free

Currencies supported: Multiple

Creator: Mr. Gagahlin

Price: $99


Forex Bling keeps your portfolio under strict risk-management by using several different trading strategies. Forex Bling can operate in several different environments, allowing it to protect your capital accordingly. As another advantage, Forex Bling is continually researched, refined, and is updated frequently through a subscription plan. It also boasts a lively forum where Forex Bling users can ask questions for support.

Unique Features:

Forex Bling comes with 6 separate expert advisors, and as such is very versatile. It also has a free coaching club membership included as well, allowing traders to keep learning how to optimize their results using Forex Bling. All major pairs are traded with Forex Bling, and the system tends to favor shorter times frames like the 15 minute charts. Also of note is that Forex Bling comes with free updates for life.

Potential Users:

Forex Bling is a viable system for those of you that are looking for short-term power trading in the Forex markets. Because of this, Forex Bling can be a highly profitable robot to use with your platform. Forex Bling is also for users that prefer the potentially high returns of high-frequency trading. Because of the speed in which it operates, the trader is able to capitalize on trading situations around the clock, even while sleeping!


Forex Bling is a great way to get started in robot trading, as it offers a lot of return with very little deposit. In fact, the maker of Forex Bling suggests depositing $500 to start! Because of this, Forex Bling can give outstanding returns in a short amount of time.

Forex Bling has been reported to increase an account of $10,000 to $19,000 in just three months, through live results. This is a simply outstanding program to use as the owner’s testing speaks for itself. As a side note, Forex Bling seems to work well with all pairs available through our broker.

The package comes with the 6 advisors, all of which make Forex Bling unique in its ability to operate in various market conditions. The manual is 26 pages long and very detailed, and of course the above mentioned lifetime updates and free coaching club membership as great features as well. In our testing, we found that the Forex Bling system uses a trailing stop to protect the returns on your investment, allowing it to run as far as possible.

Forex Bling has a 60 day money back guarantee which makes purchasing it safe. It is a subscription though, and as such, the trader will have to buy the access every three months. This does come with advantages however, as the system is constantly updated and the owner does keep the forum up to date, and puts a lot of post-sale effort into the program. With all of these points, we like the Forex Bling system quite a bit.

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No Loss Robot Review

No Loss Robot Review

General Details:

Currencies supported: All

Updates: Life-time free

Creators: John C, Mark.

Price: $149


No Loss Robot is a trend spotting based system. Because of this, the system will only trade in the direction of the trend, allowing you to maximize your gains while using No Loss Robot.

One of the major advantages to No Loss Robot is that it monitors 8 different time frames to determine the overall trend of a currency pair. Because of this, its system is very efficient at spotting overall trends on currency pairs. In fact, this is the biggest advantage with No Loss Robot.

Unique Features:

As mentioned above, No Loss Robot monitors eight separate time frames to determine a currency pair’s trend. No Loss Robot also is flexible enough to trade any currency pair, making it a little more “broad based” than some of the specialty robots out there that will only trade one or two pairs.

No Loss Robot has a built-in money management system that calculates to make sure that only a certain percent of your account is ever being traded. No Loss Robot can sense when the markets are changing, and adjust its trend following algorithm accordingly. With this knowledge, the trader doesn’t have to worry about changing any of the settings.

Potential Users:

No Loss Robot is for the trader that is not afraid of drawdown, as the system can take some from time to time. It is for traders who believe in longer-term movements, and want to capitalize on them.

If you are looking for trades to be placed to run for great lengths of time, No Loss Robot could be for you. The trades are all taken with the trend, and can even fire off in the middle of the night, allowing the trader to profit off of overnight moves.


No Loss Robot is a great system for those who are somewhat cash-strapped, as the minimum deposit is only $100. This allows for the inexperienced to “try out” a Forex robot before committing too much trading capital to it.

The results of our test were absolutely positive, but it should be noted that No Loss Robot can take serious draw downs in order to reach the 100% success rate. It is because of this that only those who are risk-inclined should use the system. A recent test of the system saw a 21.53% return in one month, so No Loss Robot certainly makes money, but you have to be willing to let it do its magic.

The robot seemed to work on all currency pairs, allowing for greater trading opportunities. The system also comes with a report that explains the best brokers to use with No Loss Robot as well, giving you the ability to maximize the system’s potential. Overall, we were impressed with No Loss Robot. Add to that the 60 day money back guarantee, and you have a winning proposition.

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StealPips Review

StealPips Review

General Details:

Currencies supported: 2 currencies at one time


Recommend trading capital: $100

Price: $97


StealPips utilizes both a long and short methodology in order to protect your capital as a diversification method. It will take these types of trades on two currencies at a time in order to smooth out the equity curve. Because of this, StealPips is almost like a mini-Hedge Fund.

StealPips also has a dedicated membership area. The area contains FAQs, videos, and guides, as well as bonuses.

Unique Features:

StealPips uses two proprietary programs to come up with trading signals. One is the A.P.A.R. program that determines the current trend. The other one that StealPips uses is the T.U.L.D. program that helps it identify turning points in the markets.

The StealPips system also has stealth mode for protection from unscrupulous brokers. This allows the user to stop worrying about the broker widening spreads trying to “trick” the robot.

Monthly software updates are also provided by the makers of StealPips. This will make sure that the software is always performing at a peak level. The software will also work on ECN brokers, something that not all robots can claim.

Potential Users:

StealPips will appeal to traders who want to see frequent updates on the software packages they use. The system is perfect for those who have no desire to spend hours on studying charts, and are simply trading to make profits!

StealPips is also for those who want to see live results on a daily basis. (The owner posts his results on the product’s homepage.) Click here to StealPips live results


StealPips is ideal for the trader that has little trading capital to start out with, as the minimum deposit is only $100. The inexperienced trader is able to “try out” a StealPips before committing too much trading capital to it.

In our testing, we found StealPips to be a success. The previous claims of 63% in 16 days can be understood from our observations as our testing turned out a slower, but certainly robust 30% over the course of a month. It should be noted that the system does have a certain amount of volatility, but then again – that’s how you get the big returns too!

With the addition of free live updates and membership area, StealPips is a confirmed winner. There is also a 60 day money back guarantee as well that adds to your piece of mind when ordering this quality system.

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