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Forex Trading Made EZ Review

Forex Trading Made EZ Review

General Details:

Creators: George C. Smith

Rating: 8.4

Price: $77


Forex Trading Made EZ has a dozen videos and an e book that clearly explains George’s trading strategy. It is based upon trying to find several small wins a day, normally 4-5, which is quite easy based upon his trend following system. Forex Trading Made EZ is a downloadable e-book that you can get immediately, but what’s even more interesting, is that Forex Trading Made EZ also will have videos that are linked into the e-book, allowing the student to see examples where appropriate.

Unique Features:

Forex Trading Made EZ has an interconnected system of information that allows the trader to read, then watching the example trades in order to absorb the information.

The Forex Trading Made EZ course also give you access to contact George through the mailing list. He will send out videos every once in a while to explain new concepts, or show ideal set ups so the student can strive to perfect their techniques through example.

The course is now a membership site, and it allows for the trader to become updated frequently, as George is always looking to improve the knowledge in Forex Trading Made EZ. This allows for the course to grow with you, and not get “old”, as the markets can and will change over time.

Potential Users:

Potential users of Forex Trading Made EZ would be anyone who wishes to day trade the Forex markets, as the system is based upon short-term movements, normally on the 15 minute charts. In this sense, it is perfect for stay-at-home moms, retires, and full-time Forex traders.


Forex Trading Made EZ is a great trading course written by a retired airline pilot who became a very successful Forex trader. It is perhaps the fact that he didn’t start out in the trading game that the information in the course is so clear and concise. It is written in an east to understand language, and there are ample set ups shown within the material. We found all of the material to be very clear and professionally explained.

The course gives the average person the ability to profit off of the short-term market moves that are so dominant in the Forex markets. It was designed by someone like you that found they needed a way to get out of the day-to-day grind. As such, it seems that helps George get his points across, as he is just a “regular guy” like the rest of us.

The fact that the concepts all have linked videos just makes the course that much more enjoyable and understandable. George excels at getting the information across to his students by this natural feeling e-book and videos.

Forex Trading Made EZ comes with a 60 day money back guarantee from ClickBank, giving you plenty of time to examine this great course.

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Forex Candlesticks Made Easy Review

Forex Candlesticks Made Easy Review

General Details:

Creators: Chris Lee




Forex Candlesticks Made Easy is based upon chart reading, and as such, the student learns to really understand what the charts are saying. The Forex Candlesticks made easy course focuses on 4 specific candlestick techniques that show the trader exact entry and exit points. The course material can be applied to all timeframes, but the author claims that Forex Candlesticks Made Easy is optimized for larger time frames, and requires less than 30 minutes a day to trade correctly.

Unique Features:

Forex Candlesticks Made Easy allows the trader to predict the forward movements of various pairs, and not just the majors. The course teaches you to understand charts, and not just how to memorize various chart patterns. There are various candlestick techniques to show the trader market psychology, which is what drives the markets. By focusing on the psychology behind the candlestick, Forex Candlesticks Made Easy stands out from the crowd.

Potential Users:

Potential users of Forex Candlesticks Made Easy include anyone who wishes to understand how the market place really works. It can help anyone, as even those who want to trade using a “robot” will at least need to understand what the market is doing.

People who work full-time can use the Forex Candlestick Made Easy system to identify trade set up that can signal trend reversals, allow them to take advantage of multi day moves, and profit by the handle, not just a few pips.


Forex Candlesticks Made Easy is an excellent trading course based upon three e-books. We found all of the material to be very clear and well explained, with several samples that allow the student a chance to fully grasp the concepts involved.

The course gives the average person the tools available to identify the market’s psychology, and when things may turn. By taking advantage of this information, you will see profits on all pairs, as this information isn’t specific to the major pairs only. You can just as easily use it on “exotic” pairs as well.

By focusing on the crowd mentality of Forex traders, we found that we could identify when it was highly probable for a pair to keep going, reverse, or even do nothing in the near future. By using this knowledge, we were profitable almost immediately.

Forex Candlesticks Made Easy comes with a 60 day money back guarantee for your piece of mind.

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Forex Trading Machine Review

Forex Trading Machine Review

General Details:

Creators: Avi Frister




Forex Trading Machine comes with three different trading strategies: Forex Cash Cow, Forex Runner, and Forex Flip and Go. This ensures that the average trader will find something in this course that is ideal for them.

There are different time frames covered in the Forex Trading Machine program, and as such, will allow the trader to profit from different situations. Avi focuses on PDFT, (Is an acronym for:Price Driven Forex Trading), which is his own revolutionary and unique strategy.

Unique Features:

Forex Trading Machine allows the trader to know a day ahead, in certain strategies, if there is going to be a potential trade! The Forex Trading Machine course also teaches several different types of trading, so that you can be a swing trader, a longer-term strategy, and a day trader that aims for extremely short moves.

Potential Users:

Potential users of Forex Trading Machine will be numerous, as it allows for long-term trades, as well as extremely short-term ones.

People who work full-time will enjoy the “Forex Cash Cow” system, since it allows for end of day trading, as it allows these people to trade while working. The other two systems are more ideal for people that have a lot of free time to watch the charts.


Forex Trading Machine is an excellent trading course as it allows so many people the ability to trade. All three of the systems included in Forex Trading Machine stress small stop losses and large take profit targets, making sure your losses are cut short, while letting winning trades to run.

Forex Trading Machine comes with a 56 day money back guarantee in order to give you ample time to study the strategies, and test them out. The course comes with a total of 9 videos that focus on the strategies outlined in the Forex Trading Machine course.

We found the videos to be very informative, and professionally done. Each of the strategies in Forex Trading Machine is easily followed, and shown to work in real time. The Forex Trading Machine also comes with a 180 page trading manual that you will find as a useful reference to turn to as your trade throughout the years.

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Instant FX Profits Review

Instant FX Profits Review

General Details:

Creators: Kishore M., hedge fund manager

Rating: 9.3

Price: $998


Instant FX Profits was written by a well-known hedge fund manager in Singapore known simply as Kishore M. Ten separate trading systems comes with the Instant FX Profits course. This allows all traders to find a system that will work for their schedule and circumstances.

Students of the Instant FX Profits course also receive daily FX alerts for a year, and receive lifetime email and chat support from the creator.

Unique Features:

Instant FX Profits allows for access to a lifetime of updates to the materials. Because of this, the course never gets “stale”, and can adjust to the changing markets.

The Instant FX Profits course is also certified by the Metropolitan Business School of the United Kingdom.

The course also offers complete access to the website that shows all of Kishore’s setups and exact entry and exit points, allowing the student to see how the creator uses the 10 different systems.

Potential Users:

The list of potential users for Instant FX Profits is a long one. The truth is, with 10 different trading systems, there is something for everyone in this trading course.

For the trader that likes to know the creator is a successful trader, Kishore’s Instant FX Profits trading history goes back for years, and is trusted with millions of dollars every day in his hedge fund. He is one of the biggest traders in Singapore, and as such, is well-documented.


Kishore is well-known, and as such, this course should be taken very seriously. He has been seen on Bloomberg, the BBC, and other channels. He has been giving lectures for years with such notable names as Jim Rodgers.

With the 10 different systems available to learn, this trading course is an absolute value, as most courses will only include one or two systems. Kishore also can boast that Instant FX Profits has even been used to teach traders from ABN AMRO Bank, Deutsche Bank, HSBC, Citibank, Doha Bank, and many others.

We found the seven different “modules” included in Instant FX Profits to be very well produced, and highly informative. The DVDs included in the Instant FX Profits course are all professionally produced and easy to follow. Kishore has shown himself to be a top-notch educator in the Forex world.

The money back guarantee for Instant FX Profits is a little unique in the sense that it is available after one year. This is because Kishore believes that you should give yourself a chance to become profitable before “throwing in the towel.”

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Hector Trader Forex Course Review

Hector Trader Forex Course Review

General Details:

Creators: Hector DeVille





One of the biggest advantages of Hector Trader is that it is the perfect package between the quality of the comprehensive materials you are getting and the price you will pay.

You get the complete educational package that will get you on the right road to become a consistent profitable trader in a very economical prics, as the creator only asks $197 for the complete course. This is far cheaper than most of the other courses available on the Internet these days.

Hector Trader also includes a custom trend scanner for members in order to help them identify trends, and profit from them, as Hector Trader’s 3SMA Forex trading systems is a trend-following system, this indicator makes using it very simple.

Unique Features:

Hector Trader has a ton of videos that help solidify the education. As stated above, it comes with its own plugin for MetaTrader 4 that allows the new student to start trading right away.

Hector Trader gives you access to over 17 hours of training videos. Because of this, there are plenty of examples on how to use the system. There is also a direct email to reach Hector, so that new students to Hector Trader can ask him questions directly.

Hector Trader covers many very important topics involved in Forex trading. The course has a live video example with each topic, to help you understand it better.

Potential Users:

Potential users of the Hector Trader system include new traders, people who have had trouble understanding the ins and outs of trading, and those who are simply looking to become better.

Hector is well known around the various Forex forums on the Internet, and has been helping people for years now, all the while becoming well-respected in this field. It is because of this that Hector Trader is also for those people that are concerned about the reputation of a potential mentor and trading course.

There are plenty of people that could benefit from using this course, as it is very descriptive and there is some much video to go through.


Hector Trader is one of the best online trading courses available on the market today. Hector DeVille is a well-known and respected trader in the online Forex trading community, and as such, this course gets a lot of attention.

The videos are well-produced, and clear in making their points. Hector Trader even comes with a 60 day money back guarantee, allowing you to buy with confidence.

The first chapter in his training course is available for free download on the Hector Trader site, making yet another reason to consider this program, as you can “preview” it beforehand.
Click here to download the Free Hector Trader version.

Add to that the free trend scanning indicator, and you have a good solid online training course in Hector Trader.

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How To Choose The Right Online Forex Trading Course

When considering an online Forex trading course, you need to consider whether or not it teaches profitable techniques, as well as teaches a system that can fit into your available time as well. Needless to say, both of these criteria are absolute musts, and without them being fulfilled, there is no reason to proceed further in trying the online Forex training course in question.

Assuming that you have either little or no trading experience, the following list of things to consider will help you in find the right education.

1. Is the course simply introducing you to Forex as a whole, or are you learning a specific trading system?

You will need to learn a specific trading system in order to be able to make educated trades. There are a lot of Forex trading courses online these days, so we all should be able to find something in order to hone our skills, and optimize our trading.

2. Is there any kind of a money back guarantee?

While most Forex course online have a money back guarantee these days, you should check just to be sure. Sometimes if there is a physical product being shipped, the shipping and handling might be excluded.

3. Is the trading system time specific?

Depending on the system, it might be optimized for a specific trading session or currency pair. The peak hours for different pairs may or may not be conducive to where you live. For example, if you live in London, a system that demands to be used in Asian trading will be difficult for most British people.

4. How long is the assessment and trading time?

Some systems might only need 10 minutes a day to be traded. Other systems might require several hours. There are even systems that are based around news announcements, which cause them to need random bits of time.

5. Is the system completely automatic, mechanical, or has both features?

You need to be comfortable trading a system. You may be comfortable trading discretionary systems, but not everyone is. Make sure you are going to be confident in the trading style.

6. Do they ongoing support after purchasing the course?

Support after the sale can make a course stand out. If you have access to the mentor, you will find comprehension comes much quicker. Avoid courses that offer no support.

If you keep these seven factors in mind when choosing an online Forex trading course, you will be far more likely to find a system that will make you a trading success!

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